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Latest: Nick interviewed by BBC News Gathering Special Correspondents’ Producer Dominic Hurst on sexual abuse in boarding schools and financial compensation. Full talk above on SoundCloud playlist.
Follow Nick ‘s SoundCloud stream for interviews and podcasts on the topic of psychohistory, boarding schools, British elitism and entitlement.
In July 2013 Nick was interviewed by AA Kennedy for the BBC Radio 3 Programme Production Line, broadcast in October 2013. The full programme is a downloadable podcast from:
1. Psychohistory and the Rational Man Project
Psychohistory explained; how rationality and industrialization controls the person, in work and education; the Enlightenment, differentiation and thinking about the world, specialization, people become cogs in a machine, education industrialized. The Rational Man Project and its objectifying effect on the indigenous world and nature. The rational mental conjuring trick gives the West its advantage.
2. Dissociation Objectification Normalization
Dissociation, objectification, normalization in the Rational Man Project explained; the measurer and measure. Objectification adds value as you don’t value values and you don’t have a conscience. The Entitlement Illusion, unbalanced left-hemisphere functioning made normal.
3. British Century Education
The 19th century, known as the ‘British Century,’ ran on fear and grandiosity. A pirate nation; education in Britain for the Empire, top-down, no social democracy, the Production Line accent, residential schools break the child’s connection to the earth.
4. Entitlement Abuse Boarding
Entitlement, Abuse and Boarding, Need for the Public School, institutionalization, splitting off feelings, Values and Defence Mechanisms, worst training for family life.
5. Topdown Systemic Dehumanization
The systemic role of the elite in dehumanizing the whole. How the British elite stay immature forever; child in aspect wants world to be a familiar institution, House of Commons, how do women fare there? The working classes carry the disowned part of Rational Man, dehumanizing process of production; football hooligans working the grim position out of their psyche is linked to the Entitlement Illusion.
6. Disowned Identity Trance
Objectification works; existential need for identity. Dissociation aids maintaining. Vulnerability shared out in couples and groups, how the other picks up disowned identities. The Elites ‘saw off parts of their personalities;’ dissociation requires others to pick up and it is normalized. ‘Crazy’ hypothesis: How education must be changed.
7. Love Lawrence Line Land
We have not followed Lawrence’s advice to grieve Rational Man’s inhumanity to man; helping Britain through love; getting into dialogue with what we have disowned and have remorse. The end of the line.
8. Humanity Triumphs Through Attachment
Land as mother, dignity of work; illegitimacy of money as values. Stress in the City, Regulation Dissociation.