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Why dump on Trump? Check out our own elect, home-grown, scary, cartoon crazies.

The proposed state visit of the Donald has aroused lots of feelings. And in some of our most damaged (but elected) Wounded Leaders something that may be connected with a feeling – somewhere. Here’s a couple:

Some days after Boris accused the EU of considering Nazi-style “punishment beatings” on Britain in revenge for Brexit, Jacob Rees-Mogg MP, questioned on Newsnight declared that HM Queen “has a constitutional duty to be happy”!

Are we any saner? Don’t get me wrong, the man is a scary narcissist, no doubt, but at least Trump is speaking the language of those Blue Meme working class folk who feel forgotten by globalisation. Someone had to. And they just think he is one of them – like Ronald McDonald with real golden arches.

And what about giving the invitation? What was Theresa thinking of as she clumped around with that strange leaning-forward posture (hoping to be taken seriously?)?

Much as I dislike her Brexit strategy and her awful team, I actually thought Theresa didn’t do to bad! Here’s why:

The therapeutic strategy with narcissists is not to over-confront head-on because their inner hidden wretchedness makes any criticism feel like the threat of annihilation. So getting alongside while remaining a therapeutic ‘object’ is advised and speaking lovingly to the hopes of the hidden wretched immature self is best. How might this be applied in this context? Tricky, but we have to take him ‘seriously’ but not seriously. Yes, hold his little hand, like Theresa did …. but try to keep his finger off the trigger!

Rees-Mogg’s extraordinary statement is in another league. He wrong-footed his interviewer who alarmingly did not bring him to task on the matter. Of course not, she was mesmerised, as we all are.

But what Rees-Mogg says is only extraordinary if you don’t know that a little boy surviving his Prep school or Eton feels that he “has a constitutional duty to be happy” – to not let down his parents or his class.

So here we have the depth of tradition in our country, which must be why Rees-Mogg presents himself as if he has just escaped from the 1920’s Beano. Remember Lord Snooty-  a cartoon version of Little Lord Fauntleroy?

What about our Foreign Secretary, who, in the inevitable fallout and European distaste for Mrs May’s Brexit recipe, appeared to liken French president Francois Hollande to a Second World War German general. What?

Has Boris been reading his old school stash of Wartime Picture Library again? Why do people keep thinking he is a clever man?

He is actually Toad of Toad Hall come to life: Honk! Honk!

I’m sorry, I am losing it – again. I need to retire to my mediation room and chant 1000 times the mantra: “Best Deal for Britain”.

Perhaps we have the best deal – were going to be left to cope on our own as if we were all little boys surviving Prep school.


  1. Nick, As ever, the trick is to come out of denial.

    Comment by Henry Lawson on 04/02/2017 at 8:54 pm
  2. Excellent interpretation of pyschology of our “leaders” (and why do we as indivduals need leaders?).

    So on the ball. It is now about time that the whole population woke up to the overhanbging illusion of our political systemn: of elitism and the “right to lead” attitude.
    We want, and need, real rounded peole, with well-developed emotions, to assist our society for all, as is possible, to fulfil its potential.

    Comment by Williuam Fell-Holden on 28/05/2017 at 2:48 pm

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