The only thing I can think of positive in the imbecilic post-Brexit gloom is that the need to move away from polarised party politics (and everything that arises from it, now that it is shown up to be totally bankrupt) has never been more evident. Nor has the normalised duplicity of British Wounded Leaders.
But we do need to act on these things and change our politics, our press and our deputation – that’s all!
In the meantime, completely unexpectedly, my 2014 article ‘Why Boarding Schools produce Bad Leaders’ seemed to make sense to more people now than it did at the time. It generated an extraordinary near 200,000 shares on the papers’ Facebook Page. Thank you to those who helped promote this perspective.
Next, I was inundated with foreign news people asking me to comment and write articles and do interviews. And how odd: there were no approaches from the British press. However, this week also saw the Hampstead paper Ham and High’s half-hearted coverage of the launch of ‘Trauma, Abandonment and Privilege’, available here or email me for a signed copy.

A stunningly titled piece comparing Boris to Trump was commissioned by the US magazine Foreign Policy and is on their website, which takes a bit of skill to navigate, I’m afraid to say.
The lies that drove Brexit – it is more than the misinformation we formerly thought – have been comprehensively exposed by a very calm but professor of law at Liverpool University.
But it seems hardly to matter to those Wounded Leaders so used to lying and acting in their own strategic interests that they don’t any more recognise that they are lying. Nor apparently does it to large swathes of the country, who, ignoring the billions of Euros that have brought down at heel post-industrial regions to life seemed to have suddenly signed up to the Turkey Christmas Party.
What is really tragic is that most of these Out voters seem to be those who have lost their identity under globalisation. Their fears have not been heard – even by the Left – so their protest has to go somewhere.
Of course this normalised duplicity is the problem. I spoke about it on Australian radio this week. It is the same problem behind the inquiry into the Iraq invasion, which years later comes up with what we already knew. It had been so concealed in ‘reframing’ that Blair and co. seemed to imagine it all dealt with! Millions died, and the Middle East is in more chaos since the time of the Crusades.And just like during the Crusades, it was superstition that mobilised the misinformed to action in the Brexit vote – poor England, poor Europe, poor Middle East!
That is why have to reform our institutions beginning with our education system, our odious hate-filed red-top media, staffed by people who should know better, and of course our voting system and parliament.
And now, because they and we we were led to believe – wrongly – that European decisions are made by ‘un-elected technocrats’ we are going to get another un-elected PM. Look how we blamed the last one for the 2008 melt-down – poor Gordon Brown!
Here’s a left-field thought. Don’t you think it is time the Queen did something useful? Couldn’t she dissolve parliament before they rush away to their European villas and call for a government of national unity to work through the summer and apologise to Europe for taking the best situation in the union for granted and wasting everyone’s time?
Unfortunately the Queen no longer has the power to dissolve parliament (since 2013) They dissolve themselves after a vote of no confidence. She is a puppet who does what she is told, unfortunately.
The Queen is hugely silent. I wonder what would need to happen to this country before she communicated with her long-suffering subjects. Alien invasion from space? To my mind the whole edifice of principle, entitlement and otherness emanates from the monarchy dowmwards and genuine progress will never happen in this country while all these hyper-orthodox structures maintain an iron grip on the nation. The red tops know this, so always promote a “Hello Magazine/gawd bless yer Ma’am” message at every opportunity. Corbyn to them is the absolute enemy because he has consitant humanitarian principles – he represents an authentic change from the current neo-liberal script.
If the government funded state schools properly the middle classes wouldn’t feel compelled to flee into the arms of private education. And this is the conundrum, the very people who could do this are fervent despisers of the other.
Sometimes I feel like voting with my feet and leaving for another more progressive country. I went to Sherbourne in the 60s and 70s – at the end the obvious target was to get as many boys as they could in to Oxford and Cambridge – a sort of elitest mindless stultfying sausage factory.
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