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Debating boarding

I think I told you that  Sally Fraser of Boarding School Action  and I will be at Edinburgh University Debating Society debating the motion “This house would ban boarding for the under 16s.” But now, at the last minute, a brand new team speaking against has been assembled.

No, it is not RBS and Lloyds threatening to pull out if Fettes were to be converted to a sixth-form college. Naughty! Don’t think like that!

It is Dr Graham Hawley, brand new headmaster of Loretto (fees £9,820 per term), who has confirmed that he will be speaking in opposition in this debate, in place of the advertised speaker, Geoffrey Dennis, head of the Royal National Children’s Foundation and former CEO of Care International – one of the highest paid UK charity directors. Rather unfortunately, Mr Dennis has a meeting with Princess Anne, and so has had to pull out. But a youthful replacement with impeccable Establishment credentials, Eleanor Maryse Hervey-Bathurst, has stepped up to the plate. Good show!

Do come and join us, and please …. dress rich!

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